Week One Hundred and Fifty-Four

Zeeke was a real terror at school this week.  He was breaking all the rules, talking back, ignoring attempts to discipline him, even hitting and kicking his teachers.  They tell us us not to worry too much, that it's just a matter of waiting for his maturity to catch up with his intelligence, but it's been sad, embarrassing and stressful.  When we talk about his behavior with him, he admits to everything he did wrong and seems genuinely remorseful.  "Why do I do that?" he asks us, "I don't want to do that."  The new rule is no tv if he gets a timeout, which bums him out, but hasn't fixed the problem yet.

Roughly 40% of the protein Zeeke consumed this week came from a jar of mixed nuts, which he became obsessed with and insisted on having at every meal.  His favorite place to play was the storage ottoman that we use as a toy chest.  He loves to sit in it and pretend to take naps in it (although he's under strict orders to never try closing the lid).

Saturday, Steve & Zeeke went to the playground and then music class, where Zeeke has gone from a little too shy to a little too boisterous.  After his nap, they went to the library to visit Karen (and bring her home).  While playing outside, Zeeke had a little urban safari, following around squirrells and birds that were looking for food.

Sunday morning, Zeeke & Steve watched videos of Komodo dragons stalking their prey and then took a walk down to the fountain. To keep Zeeke from climbing in and stealing all the pennies, Steve had to explain how people had tossed them in to make wishes, which only made Zeeke desperate to toss a penny in himself, a penny which Steve didn't happen to have, but which a kind stanger passing by was happy to give him.  

That afternoon included visits from both Dena and Steve's parents. Zeeke had a great time reading, playing and acting out the story of the Three Pigs with them.  Afterward, we walked Dena home and hung out at her house for a bit.  Zeeke particularly enjoyed playing with and chasing the red laser from her new fangled level.   On the way home, Steve and Karen started talking about when Zeeke's nose got smashed at school last summer and at first he was really curious about the story, but then he started getting extremely scared and nervous, saying that his stomach hurt.  Seems like he still has a little posttraumatic stress disorder.  When we got home he wanted to watch Frozen, which we had done for the first time on the day of his injury.

Week One Hundred and Fifty-Three

Monday and Tuesday, we got reports that Zeeke had been a wild child at school.  And then Wednesday evening, Zeeke was behaving so terribly that we should have guessed he was feeling sick.  That night, he developed a terrible croup that guaranteed nobody in the house got much sleep.  Alternating steam and bursts of cold air from outside, a little honey, and some stories and television eventually got him back down in the early hours, but he was up for the day not long after.  He never developed a fever, but we kept him home the next day just in case.  He didn't want to nap in his crib but agreed to get tucked into a couch down stairs while watching Dora and fell asleep quickly.  He might have slept longer if he hadn't rolled off onto the floor after an hour or so.  Fortunately neither the croup nor a fever made an appearance and he was able to go back to school on Friday and he had a good day.

Saturday morning, Steve & Zeeke made a Target run, then picked up Karen and headed out to Nick, Nadine & Zoe's place for Zoe's birthday party.  Zeeke had a great time playing with his classmates and eating cake.  After his nap, we went to the playground.  After an hour on the little kid side, we switched to the big kid side.  We played with a couple of Zeeke's schoolmates and a girl named Genevieve that he'd met a month earlier.  Then just as we were thinking about leaving, Tim, Tanya & Lettie showed up, so of course we stayed much longer.  On the walk home, Zeeke and Lettie decided to switch places, so Lettie walked home holding hands with Steve & Karen while Tanya pushed Zeeke in Lettie's stroller, which they seemed to find pretty hilarious.

Sunday was pretty mellow.  While Karen did the taxes, Steve & Zeeke went out on a pastry run.  After his nap, he and Karen decorated the bathroom door with some of his artwork for school.

Week One Hundred and Fifty-Two

This weekend, Zeeke became obsessed with the book Komodo by Peter Sis.  He made Karen read it three times Saturday night, five times Sunday afternoon, and three times more Sunday night (at least once because he wanted the stuffed bears to hear the story).  He studies the art intensely, finding new details every time.  "That book is very awesome, Mommy."

It was an extra fun week for Zeeke!

Wednesday, Steve & Zeeke went on his school field trip to Johnson's Corner Farm in NJ.  They went on a hay ride, hunted for eggs, fed animals (goats, sheep, chickens), saw a giant bunny (from a safe distance), ate an apple cider doughnut, and rode a go-cart in their play ground.  But Zeeke's favorite part was riding in the bus to and from the farm.  Even though he seemed scared during the ride, complaining loudly and often that the bus was going too fast as he huddled on the floor, his first request at the end of the day was, "I want to ride in the bus to the farm with all my friends again!"

Saturday, after eating an Easter egg for breakfast, Steve & Zeeke dropped Karen off at work and then headed off to visit their former neighbors Paul, Sharri & Nate's for Nate's birthday party.  Zeeke had a blast visiting with our old friends, digging castles in their sand box, exploring their new house, testing out their toys, and hunting for toy animals in a front yard safari.  Zeeke polished off two slices of pizza, some bbq chicken and a huge piece of chocolate cake.  On the way home he declared, "That was the best party we've ever seen!"  

Sunday, after his nap, we headed to Jersey for Easter dinner at Pop-Pop & Gigi's.  They had a great Easter basket waiting for him, filled with chalk and play dough bubbles and puzzles and candy, and Aunt June got him an awesome electric fan that he played with the whole drive home.   Zeeke had so much fun getting tickled by "silly Uncle Chris," blowing bubbles with cousin Connor, and hunting for eggs with cousin Becca and baby Jackson.

Conversations with Zeeke:

Running frantically in circles:
"The wind is chasing me! The wind is chasing me! THE WIND IS CHASING ME!"

Week One Hundred and Fifty-One

Zeeke's vocabulary can be really impressive some days, but lately his favorite word is "Poopy."  Everything is poopy or has poopy in it or eats poopy.  He can sit there for ten minutes making up rhymes for poopy that send him into giggling fits.  Fighting him on it only makes it worse.  In related news, he's getting better about knowing when he needs to use the potty.  He still has bad days every now and then, but it's definitely getting easier.

Zeeke wore his doctor's outfit to school for community helper day this week, but he sat out Sports Day because we didn't bring his helmet in.  He no longer needs it, but it may be a while before we convince him of that.  Karen's sister Sarah suggested a lotion for the persistent eczema on his cheeks and it's really been working wonders.     

Zeeke talks a lot which animals are nice or not nice.  When he decides they're not nice, he then then repeats over and over some version of the mantra, "That not nice alligator is not going to come to our house."  He's also obsessed with monsters and whether they are coming to his house.   He reassures himself quickly that "Mommy and Daddy will keep me safe," but you can see that he's dealing with some real fear. 

Saturday, after his nap, Steve & Zeeke drew pictures and baked chocolate chip cookies.  Then Karen & Zeeke made the alphabet out of play dough.

Sunday, we went to Dena's Passover seder at Jen & Kim's house. Beforehand, while Steve was cooking kugel, Zeeke & Karen stopped by Dena's apartment to pick up some things she had forgotten (and a few other things that Zeeke decided they should take) and then tried out a playground in her neighborhood.  Zeeke loved the matzo ball soup and had a great time playing with Jack & William.

Week One Hundred and Fifty

Zeeke started out the week still having coughing fits throughout the night, waking up bright-eyed and bushytailed in the morning, and then sinking into a fever in the late afternoon.  Finally, after a week of bad sleeping, Zeeke slept through the night all the way until 7:30 am on Tuesday.  Steve and Karen couldn't remember the last time they had gotten so much sleep.  

Wednesday morning, Zeeke met our housecleaner Sandy and he was fascinated with her, asking her lots of questions and discussing her for days after ("You and Sandy do a really good job of keeping my room clean, Mommy!").  Then Karen took Zeeke to the library where he chose one book about vomiting and one about headlice.  After the library, he couldn't wait to get home in hopes of seeing Sandy again.  That afternoon, no fever!

Thursday, Zeeke went back to school.

Saturday, after music class, Steve & Zeeke went to the playgroup at Karen's library and spent some quality time with their favorite librarian, then Zeeke napped the afternoon away.

Sunday, while Karen was at a play with Sarah, Omi & Riley, Zeeke & Steve played cars and counted the money in Z's piggy bank.  As they watched animal videos, Zeeke impressed Steve with his compassion by lamenting, "That orangutan needs help because bad people didn't take good care of him, Daddy!"  Then ten minutes he later, he gleefully ordered Steve to eat his own eyes. "I'll help you do it!"  

After the play, everybody went for a walk to the coffee shop together.  Zeeke adored spending a little time with his cousin Riley, whom he adores and refers to as his sister.

Week One Hundred and Forty-Nine

The sleep regression that came along with Zeeke's potty training successes is really taking its toll.  On his parents anyway.  He's still bright and chipper even when he doesn't sleep.  On top of the frequent and early wakeups, he's also been pushing his bed time back later and later through tricks like last minute demands for additional potty time or the ever popular "one more book!"  

Thursday, the Zoo brought their traveling exhibit to Zeeke's school.  After weeks of inisting that he wanted no part of it, he finally relented on the day before once he was reassured that he wouldn't be attacked by tigers and crocodiles.  When we told him that it would only be very small, very friendly animals that came to visit, he became hopeful that they would bring a tiny giraffe that he could hold in his hands.  As it turned out they brought a rabbit, a hedgehog, and a snake.  That evening, after school, he made Steve show him thousands of photographs of hedgehogs on his laptop.

Friday night's sleep was made worse by coughing fits, the start of a cold that would get slowly worse as the weekend continued.

Saturday at music class, we sang one of his favorite nursery rhymes, "Bobby Shafto's Gone To Sea."

Sunday, we joined Jen, Kim & the twins for a bouncehouse session and brunch in honor of Kim's birthday.  He was a little glassy-eyed at the restaurant, but in good spirits.  When we got home he managed to sack out for a few hours with only minimal disturbances from his coughing.  When he woke up from the nap, he was convinced it was morning, so we knew we'd be having a rough night of sleeping ahead of us.  He and Karen tucked themselves in and played with stickers until it was time for dinner.

Conversations with Zeeke:

"Can I have another cookie?"
"No, you already had one today."
"Can I have a babysitter?"
"Sure, you'd like a babysitter to come over and watch you while Mommy and Daddy go out?"
"Well, what would the babysitter do then?"
"Have cookies!"

"I did a good job sleeping!"
"You really did, buddy!"
"I slept all night long and now it's morning."
"Well, no, that was just your afternoon nap. In a few hours, we'll go to bed again and sleep til morning."
"No. I already slept til morning."

Holds up a little toy bear and growls:
"I'm an evil talking octopus!"
"Oh no! What's your name?"
"My name is Eeeeevil Talking Octopus! But I miss my bad guy friends."
"Who are your bad guy friends?"
"Ummmm.... Evil Talking Bear!"

Week One Hundred and Forty-Eight

When Zeeke makes a suggestion lately, he likes to punctuate it with "Is that a great idea?" (emphasis  always on "great") such as in "We should have a playdate with Zoe.  Is that great idea?" or "We should make cookies.  Is that great idea?"

His drawing has really been coming along and he even decided to write his name this week.  As you can see in the picture, the letters aren't quite in any order, but they're all there!

Saturday, Zeeke had a great music class with hardly any shyness.  After class, Steve & Zeeke went to the library to visit Karen.  Zeeke enjoyed having some computer time, picked out his own books, and was very interested in the sculptures of African animals.  

Sunday morning, Steve & Zeeke went to the playground, which was still thawing out.  They cleared all the ice off the jungle gyms, colored in some bricks, and then did the slides and swings on the big kid side of the playground.   After his nap, Steve, Karen & Zeeke went to Pop Pop and Gigi's house for dinner and a walk through their rapidly melting snowy landscape.

Conversations with Zeeke:

Eating his toast:
"Will eating crusts make my hair curly?"
"I don't know. Who told you that?"
"The Crusty Queen."
"Who's the Crusty Queen?"
"She has crumbs and butter on her clothes from eating peanut butter chocolate covered toast."

Week One Hundred and Forty-Seven

Zeeke had no potty accidents at school all week long!  It was like pitching a no-hitter and just as awesome.  And even though Saturday was a busy one with lots of travel, he stayed accident free then too.   Alas, Sunday was full of accidents.  Apparently, like dieters, potty trainers need a cheat day every now and then.  

With great progress, however, comes great regression.  His sleeping has been way off:  taking a while to fall asleep, lots of wakeups, super early mornings.  Amazingly he's always full of energy no matter how brief his sleep is.  If only the same could be said for his parents!  He's also started experimenting with crying to get what he wants.  Needless to say, we're trying our best to shut that down fast.

Zeeke's been enjoying sliding around on icy sidewalks, so trips home from school are taking a little longer.  We didn't have any big cooking projects this week, but he has started helping us make his peanut butter sandwiches and pack his lunch.  

Saturday morning, we played hooky from music class and went to the Adventure Aquarium with Leah & Zack.  It was a great time.  We saw fish and frogs and turtles, petted stingrays and sea stars, and got to check out their prehistoric sea creatures display.  After his nap, we went to his best bud Lettie's house for an awesome play date full of play dough, wagon rides, dress up, and lots and lots of dancing. 

Sunday, the weather turned to icy rain, so we sadly had to cancel a visit to Pop Pop and Gigi's house and stay home instead. 

Conversations with Zeeke:

"Do you have a pet dragon, Daddy?"
"No, I have a pet Zeeke."
"I'm not a pet!"
"I have a pet camel. Her name is Carla."
"Cool. Tell me about her."
"She's friendly and she has long, long legs. But I'm sad."
"Why are you sad?"
"Because Carla has to live at the farm."

Week One Hundred and Forty-Six

Zeeke has been obsessed with nursery rhymes lately.  He always wants to read some at storytime and the odder ones inspire some interesting questions from him.  His other keen interests this week are cooking and beads.

Monday, Karen & Zeeke were off for President's Day.  They got together with Leah & Zack for the Pippi Longstocking exhibit at the American Swedish Historical Museum.  Zeeke got a Pippi book and a pen of his own, which made him very proud.  There was an epic potty accident in the middle of the gift shop, but everyone survived.  After his nap, Dena invited them over for a Wii dance party and tangerines, cementing his crush on her.

Tuesday, he was home with Steve for a snow day.  They strung bead necklaces for mardi gras and then joined his classmate Zoe and her parents Nick & Nadine for some pizza at Birra.  Zeeke and Zoe were very cute, making sculptures for each other out of pizza dough and passing them back and forth.

Thursday, after school, Zeeke learned not to lick frozen metal.  He left most of the taste buds from the tip of his tongue behind on the handrail of our front steps and screamed like a banshee.  Since baking cookies last week and discovering guacamole in a cartoon, he's been asking to make some.  So once his tongue felt better, he learned how to squash an avocado.  

Saturday, Zeeke had a great time at music class and still more fun running around the halls with his buddy Will.  We invited Will & Jenny to join us at the play group at Karen's library.  We also got to hang out with Addie & Zephyr and Zack, Leah, and Jason there.  While Zeeke napped, enough snow fell that the library sent Karen home early.  Zeeke made guacamole again and chocolate milk too.

Sunday morning, Steve and Zeeke cooked cinnamon buns.  After some more bead stringing, we treked out in the snow and slush for Mexican food at Cantina Los Caballitos.  

Conversations with Zeeke:
Playing with his Magnaformers:
"Oh, look, I made a daredevil. Can I have a daredevil drink for my daredevil? Oh, here's your drink. I'm going to make a dog for my daredevil. Hey, do you want a drink too, daredevil dog?"

Sitting on the potty, up well before the sun:
"Do you want to go back to bed, Daddy?"
"That would be great. Can I?"

Picking something up with his foot:
"Look what I can do with my toes, Daddy!"
"Wow, I knew a man with toes like that. When he grew up he turned into a cat."
Suddenly terrified: "I don't want to turn into a cat!"
"Oh, that's ok, I was just being silly. People never turn into cats."
"Sophia the First turned into a cat!"
"Well, yes, but that was because of a magic wishing well and there are none of those around."
"Do cats bring cheese?"
"Ummmm.... yes, I get most of my cheese from cats."
"No, Daddy, you're silly! Cheese comes from milk and milk comes from cows!"
"Oh, right, absolutely right. Cheese from cows, not cats. Thank you."

Week One Hundred and Forty-Five

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Zeeke actually came home from school in the same clothes he arrived in, a miracle so far denied us since potty training started.  Of course, on Tuesday, he went though three pairs of his own pants and was already on his second pair of the school's pants when we picked him up.  The weekend went similarly.  Saturday, he had no accidents and then Sunday, it was nothing but accidents.  So some steps forward, some steps back.  

Friday was his Valentine's Day party at school.  Zeeke gave cards to all his friends and came home absolutely wired on sugar.  

Saturday, the guard at the building where we go to music class gave him a lollypop for Valentine's Day.  After class, he and Steve went into the train station to buy some flowers for Karen.  Zeeke carefully studied each bouquet to determine which one was best, although Steve had to stop him from squeezing the flowers.  

After his nap, he had a Valentine's Day play date with his friend Colette.  Zeeke gave her a flower and she gave him a lollypop.  They played together the entire time (no parallel play at all), always wanting to be with each other and do what the other was doing.  They had such a good time.

Sunday, it was too cold to leave the house, so we cooked all the bacon and built a gigantic Lego castle.  In the afternoon, Zeeke baked peanut butter cookies.  He's been asking to help Steve cook for a little while now and he really enjoyed it, at least until he had to touch sticky cookie dough and ran away to wash it off his hands. In the evening, Dena stopped by for a surprise visit and he was riveted to her, unable to look away or to stop flirting.