Week Two Hundred and Two

Zeeke saw his first movie in a theater this week.  It was Zootopia and he loved it.  He was fidgety, constantly switching from his seat to Steve's lap and back again, but his eyes were always glued to the screen.  Whenever it was night time in the movie, he was convinced it was night for us too and would ask if we had to leave to go to bed.

Speaking of bed, he's been making his bed and getting dressed all by himself in the mornings.  He sometimes needs a little help with buttons, but it gives us a few extra minutes to lay in bed as we're waking up.

He's declared that when his school goes to see a play next month he doesn't want either of us to chaperone.  He says he just wants to go with his friends.  That's a pretty huge leap since he's always been pretty clingy on those trips.

He's getting much better at playing with younger kids who he used to dismiss as being "too little," even adjusting his style of play slightly to accomodate their limitations.   

Saturday morning, Karen & Zeeke let Steve sleep in while they went downstairs and played.  When Steve woke up, he and Zeeke went to the playground and then joined Nick, Nadine & Zoe for the Passyunk Square Easter Egg Hunt.  At lunch, Zeeke asked about going to the movies, so when his nap was over, he and Steve popped some corn and then headed over to the theater.

Sunday, all three of us went to the Natural History Museum.  Unlike our previous attempt, Zeeke wasn't frightened away by the animatronic dinosaur and he had a great time.  He dug for fossils, petted a bunny, made videos of himself being chased by dinosaurs, protected eggs, and put together all the jigsaw puzzles.  Although he said his favorite part was the cafeteria where he had a cookie.  After his nap, we painted some watercolors and then Zeeke played nicely by himself, which is always a joy.

Conversations with Zeeke:
"Zeeke, if we got our front door painted, what color do you think it should be?"
"Okay, what color that's not red?"
"Yellow with black stripes!"

"Zeeke, how many time did you kiss Berta today?"
"Oh..... four!"
"And what does Berta say when you kiss her?"
(throws his arms in the air) "Mother of God help me!"