Week Two Hundred and Twenty-Five

Fed up with us talking about things that happened before he was born, Zeeke now loves to make up stories about things he saw and did without us.  They provide interesting glimpses into how he perceives the world.  For example:  "One time, when I was driving on the highway, and you and mommy weren't with me, I saw a car drive up onto that overpass and blowup."

Saturday, Steve & Zeeke had a long trip to the playground where he got to play with Zoe, Sadie, and Esme.   In the afternoon, they watched Hercules.  

Sunday, Karen & Zeeke went to the beach with Katie & Greta.  Zeeke played in the waves all day and then gorged himself on fried clams and ice cream.

Conversations with Zeeke:

"We like learning about animals, don't we, Zeeke?"
"Yeah, like I already know that zebras lay their eggs in tiny caves! And the eggs are as big as giants, but they get smaller and smaller when they're ready to hatch and they can lay about twenty eggs a year!"