Week Two Hundred and Twenty

Zeeke had been obsessed with a book of map puzzles that Karen brought home.  Each puzzle is a different continent and he would do them all every day if he could.  Zeeke has been enjoying the responsibility of watering Nadine's garden while she's out of town.

Wednesday, after Purple Flower Mountain, we went to P'unk Burger with Jen & Amelie. 

Saturday morning, Steve & Zeeke dropped Karen off at work and went to the zoo.  After his nap, they watched "Yellow Submarine" which he loved.

Sunday, we dropped Zeeke off at his pal Zoe's house and then went to a concert in Camden.  Zeeke and Zoe had a great time playing and eating together.  There was an attempt at a sleepover, but at 10 pm, they were still chatting and giggling with each other, so we picked Zeeke up on our way home.