Week Two Hundred and Thirty-Seven

Zeeke's class made posters of what they're thankful.  Zeeke chose his family, his friends, his grandparent, his cousins, his two favorite stuffed animals, the Zoo, and Purple Flower Mountain.

For the past couple months, Zeeke's teacher has been grading the kids' behavior with reds for bad, yellows for needs improvement, and greens (or stickers) for good.  Zeeke been getting a lot of reds and it's been stressful for everyone involved.  Bribery usually works better than punishment with Zeeke, so this week we promised him a piece of Halloween candy every day he gets a green and the Trolls movie if he manages a whole week.  Even though he kept warning us that he didn't think he could keep it up, he managed to be good every day this week!  Although, as often happens, the stress of trying to be good made for some early morning wakeups (although he's officially done with sleeping in pull-ups!).

Saturday morning, we drove out to New Jersey and caught our celebrational showing of Trolls.  Zeeke loved it, but was very concerned about the characters who spent much of the movie under threat of being eaten.  After the movie, we met up at a park in Cherry Hill for a playdate with his pal Asif, who moved out to Jersey last spring.  They got along just like old times, climbing, playing soccer, and taking photographs.

Sunday morning, we went to brunch at his pal Delano's house.  There was great food and lots of friends to play with.  In the afternoon, in order to get a break from his obsession with the show Wild Kratts, we re-introduced Zeeke to his old favorite show Team Umizoomi about a tiny team of math superheroes.