Week Two Hundred and Seventy-Seven

This was Zeeke's first week of Art Camp at the Philly Art Center.  He's been coming home very excited (as well as very messy) every day and the art he's producing is spectacular.  Thursday, after camp we celebrated his good week with a cherry water ice from John's.  

Saturday morning, Zeeke wanted to do a gymnastics class at Nest, but had a little nervous episode when he got there, refusing to go into the room.  It was probably anxiety from all the changes lately, leaving pre-school, changing summer camps, and approaching kindergarten.  After lunch, we met up at the playground with Pam & Cecily, bringing along his bicycle for some much overdue practice.  He did great.

Sunday, Steve & Zeeke joined Nick & Zoe for Superhero Day at the Please Touch Museum (and some more bike riding).  The kids had a blast building together, riding the carousel, launching rockets, and being superheroes.  After a late lunch, Karen & Zeeke went to the South Philly branch of the Free Library and the DiSilvestro Playground.