Week Two Hundred and Ninety-Six

We spent New Years Day much like the day before, hanging out at Jen & Kim's, except the kids were more tired.  The four of them had insisted on cramming into a tent in the master bedroom and not a lot of sleeping went on.   Zeeke was so zonked he actually napped.  

Wednesday was the first day back at school, but his teacher was out sick so he had a substitute.

Thursday, school was cancelled because of snow.  Zeeke had no interest in going out to play in it, so we just had a quiet day at home.

Friday was another snow day.  In the morning, we trekked up to Nick & Nadine's house for a great play date with Zoe, Sadie, Amelie & Delano.  Many paper airplanes were made.  In the afternoon, Zeeke spent a few hours building a cool K'nex airplane that he'd gotten for Christmas.

Saturday, he helped out around the house.  His favorite task was opening mail for Karen.l

Sunday, Karen & Zeeke went to Ikea with Jenn & Amelie.  The kids had a great time riding the bus together, drawing, lunching, and playing in the kids-only playroom.

Conversations with Zeeke:

"Here, Daddy, use these markers. There's so many colors! There's gray.... and another gray...."

"Daddy, there are people who have been living in space since 1887!"

"Daddy, we should make a tv show called 'Babies Are The Smartest.' It's about these really smart babies that are all named Goo Goo Gaga. Except the baby who is the smartest of all is Boo Boo Baba. And there's a grown-up who's like a hundred and isn't very smart at all and he asks the babies questions. His name is Clacky Clacky Booboo. Ugh.... all these crazy names are making my socks hurt!"