Week Two Hundred and Nine

Zeeke is now four years old!  

Thursday, Steve picked him up from school early and took him to his first dental checkup.  He did great!  Karen had read him a book about going to the dentist the night before so he was all prepared.  He watched the fish tank in the waiting room, chose marshmallow-flavored fluoride treatment, and was positively giddy when he got to choose a prize from the prize box.  After the dentist, they went to the playground at Marconi park to play.

Friday, we brought a cake (yellow with chocolate frosting and lots of rainbow jimmies) into school for him to celebrate with his friends at school.  After climbing some trees at Purple Flower Mountain, Steve & Zeeke went to P'unk Burger for dinner.  Zeeke played old arcade games and drank a chocolate milkshake.

Saturday morning, Steve & Zeeke painted some watercolors and went to the comics shop for Free Comic Book Day.  Zeeke was especially fond of a Sonic the Hedgehog comic that he insisted we read three times in twenty-four hours.  In the afternoon, they went to the playground where they hung out with his pal Lazlo and chased bubbles.

Sunday was Zeeke's birthday.  It was back to the playground in the morning, then we all hopped into the car and headed to Jersey.  Zeeke had been asking for a happy meal, so we stopped at McDonalds for a special treat on the drive.   We met up with Omi, Sarah, Riley & Bella for a showing of Zootopia, then went back to Sarah's house for a Mother's Day bar-be-que and a donut cake for Zeeke's big day.  Zeeke even ate grilled clams!

Conversations with Zeeke:
"Daddy, I dreamt about a dragon that knocked over a bowl of pencils. And the pencils broke. And there were people there and they yelled, 'That dragon broke those pencils!' and they sent him away to another house in Australia. And in Egypt."