Week Two Hundred and Forty-Nine

Wednesday, Zeeke's class celebrated the hundredth day of the school year by dressing like they were one-hundred-year-olds.  Karen dressed him in a three-piece suit and made a long white beard for him.  But it was also super warm, so Steve picked him up early from school (with a change of clothes) and they had a great play date at Purple Flower Mountain with his pals Delano and Zoe.  The kids even got to do a little early gardening.

Thursday, after school, Zoe came over for dinner so that her parents could go out.  And then on Friday Zeeke went home with Zoe so that Steve & Karen could go out.

Saturday morning, while Karen volunteered at the library of the school Zeeke put will be attending next Fall, Zeeke put Steve to work hot gluing an ambitious and difficult-to-describe craft project.  After gymnastics class, nap, and some more gluing, all three of us went to Cloth to cash in some store credit Karen had earned by selling some of his old things.  He had a ball choosing games and puzzles (which he will still have to earn through good behavior).  

Sunday morning, Karen & Zeeke went to the art museum.  After nap, we went out to Jersey for dinner with Pop-Pop & Gigi.