Week Two Hundred and Fifty-Eight

Monday, Zeeke got a sweet ride on the pedals of our friend Jill's bicycle.

Friday night, we went to Jen, Kim & the twins' house for Dena's annual Passover Seder.   There were many delicious foods and many lightsaber battles.  Karen's mom joined us for dinner and took us out for breakfast at the Oregon Diner the next morning.  After breakfast, Steve & Zeeke went to gymnastics class, which turned out to be cancelled, so they crashed the Easter party instead.  They made crafts and played and Zeeke got his face painted.  On the walk back to South Philly, they found an excellent four seasons frieze.

Sunday, we had a picnic at the playground and then went to Easter dinner at Pop-Pop & Gigi's house.  Zeeke had a blast hunting for eggs with his cousin Jackson and chasing around Taylor's remote controlled car.  He loved Gigi's ham and tried to eat it all.

Conversations with Zeeke:

"Zeeke, I wish you had one big furry eyebrow that went across your whole face."
"Which way would you want it to go? Up and down or sideways?"
"Huh... I was thinking sideways. Which would you like?"
"I want one eyebrow that goes up and down the middle of my face and one that goes sideways underneath my eyes."
"Under your eyes or over?"

Standing at the top of the stairs with his shirt off:
"I had to fight a gorilla."
"... That's interesting."
"Why, Daddy? Why is that interesting?"
"I had to fight a gorilla. Then I buried it under my stuffed animals."