Week Two Hundred and Eleven

Tuesday, we picked Zeeke up from school and took him shoe shopping.  After making the poor salesclerk fetch the same two styles of shoe in many, many colors, the temperamental young man chose red Chucks.

On Wednesday, after school and a quick trip to Purple Flower Mountain, we went shopping for a helmet to wear with his new scooter.  As an art lover, he was sorely tempted by black helmet that you can decorate with special markers, but in the end he went with the black helmet covered in red flames.  

Thursday, we did a little scooter practice on the way to Purple Flower Mountain.  The quest for self-propulsion faded after about half a block and we walked the rest of the way.

Saturday was rainy and Zeeke was keen on having a lazy day.  Dressed in pyjamas, we watched cartoons, painted some watercolors, and ate leftover pizza.  After his nap, Yasmeen, Asif & Sofiya came by for a surprise visit.  They tried to tempt us out of the house, but Zeeke wasn't having it.  After that, we popped some corn and watched the movie "Happy Feet."

Sunday morning, Zeeke got the perfect birthday present.  The night before Karen had won a bucket of art supplies at a charity auction.  He was enraptured by every item.  Steve & Zeeke went to the zoo with Nick, Nadine & Zoe and Asif & Jawaad.  Zeeke was disappointed that the vampire bats were on vacation and so excited to see the bird migration movie (for the sixth time) that he could barely look at animals along the way.  After his nap, he managed to use every item from his art bucket.

Conversations with Zeeke:
"And were the baby birds hungry, Daddy?"
"Yup, so the mama bird came over and fed them."
"And what was the food?"
"Regurgitated worms. Does that sound good?"
"No, regurgitated worms sounds rotten. I only like plain worms with no regurgitating on them."