Week Two Hundred and Eighty-Two

Zeeke had two good days at school this week!  

He was very proud of the accomplishment, bragging about it over the phone to his grandparents.  Of course, two days of not needing to be punished led to false expectation for the rest of the week.  Thursday was bad and Friday was worse.    Still two days out of twelve is better than nothing and hopefully it's the beginning of a new trend.

Thursday, his friend Zoe came over after school for a play date.

Friday, we picked Zeeke up from school and headed to the Brigantine, NJ for a chilly beach weekend with Pop-pop & Gigi.

Saturday, the five of us went to Storybook Land  It was such a great day.  Zeeke really conquered some fears, including the psychedelic Alice in Wonderland cave, and even rode the roller coaster all by himself!  We completed the hay maze scavenger hunt, decorated a pumpkin, and took a hay ride.  When we got back to the condo, there was a double rainbow, so we raced out to the beach in the drizzle to look for pots of gold.

Sunday, after a late breakfast, we went to our favorite playground, Shark Park, and then after an early dinner headed back to the city.  

Conversations with Zeeke:

"I can still feel those little rubber things on my hand."
"Daddy, did you know that I can make you do things you don't want to do?"
"Yeah, you do it all the freaking time!"
"I can do it because of my creepy little hand!"