Week Two Hundred and Eighty-Three

Zeeke managed to have four good days at school this week!  He's still getting sent to the first grade class as punishment some days but the infractions are getting less severe and his teacher reports that she often sees him catching himself before he does something wrong.  In addition to cracking down on disobedient behavior at home, we're also stooping to bribery, offering rewards for good days, such tv, ipad time, and treats.  He's very proud of having good days and frequently forgets to ask for his reward.  Plus he's having a lot more fun at school now, learning more Spanish and math.  

Monday, we had our first session with a family therapist, as suggested by his teacher.  It was really just a getting to know us session.

Tuesday, Zeeke's pal Zoe came over for a play date after school.  

Saturday, Steve and Zeeke did some work on his Halloween costume, then went to his art lesson at Fleisher.    Other than that, Zeeke really just wanted a lazy day to relax from the exhausting stress of trying to be good at school.

Sunday, Karen & Zeeke had an epic day out.  They went to the art museum, took the tour, made some art, ate lunch at the cafe, and raided a sale at the gift shop.  After that, they took a trip to the library so that Zeeke could play on the computer.

Conversations with Zeeke:

"Daddy, did you know that I invented a new superhero called Rocketman?"
"5...4...3...2...1... Blast off for another exciting adventure with Rocketman!"
"And did you know that he used to be a rock star and folks were so in love with his singing that he gained the power of a rocket ship and became Rocketman and blasted off to outer space forever?"