Week Twenty-Nine

Zeeke's been a dream baby this week:  good-natured, well napped, and hardly bossy at all.  Knowing it woudn't last, Karen was determined to enjoy it for all it was worth.  Zeeke outgrew his first pair of shoes this week. 

We introduced Zeek to pears this week and he loves them.  We also started giving him two solid meals a day.

Zeeke's book of the week: Black & White by Tana Hoban

Monday, Karen & Zeeke went to the storytime at Central.  After visiting with the staff, they saw it was such a gorgeous day that they decided to go see Jen & the twins in Chestnut Hill.  Thanks in part to the new light-up, musical mirror in the backseat, Zeeke slept both ways.  It was very liberating for Karen to be able to travel with him without fear of a meltdown.  Jen & Karen had Indian food for lunch and took a nice walk through Chestnut Hill together with the boys.

Tuesday, Karen & Zeeke went to Miss Liz's storytime at her new branch, Santore. Then they bumped into Miss Lindsey (who replaced Liz at Fumo) and walked down Passyunk Ave.  When they got home, they picked up Steve and went to lunch at Green Eggs.  After lunch, Steve's parents came by for a quick Zeeke fix and to drop off supplies for Saturday's project.

During their morning constitutional on Wednesday, Zeeke & Karen ran into Maria and then Dave & Steve.  Karen's friend Kathy visited from Cape Cod with her husband and their three boys, Jack, Liam, and Calvin. The boys brought Zeeke some of their favorite hand-me-down clothes and toys. They had some lunch then walked over to the playground.  That night, we finally scrubbed off Zeeke's cradle cap.  His hair looks much lovelier now, although the smell of the special shampoo we used faintly lingers on no matter how much we try to wash it away.

On Thursday, we dressed up and droved out to Malvern for Thanksgiving with Karen's mom's side of the family.  Zeeke did very well with the large crowd of fast-talking strangers and spirited children, but got a little antsy towards the end.  

Friday, we joined Steve's family for Thanksgiving leftovers. 

Saturday, Steve's parents came over and put in a hard day of labor bolting our fourteen bookcases to the walls in an effort at babyproofing.  Amazingly Zeeke took a two hour nap through the drilling, vaccuuming and commotion.  Karen & Zeeke snuck away late in the afternoon to visit Jen & Eric's new kitten Marcel (along with Dena and the Rizzios).

Karen needed a treat on Sunday, so after we did some chores, we went to Belle Cakery for hot chocolate, an apple muffin, and a slice of salted caramel cheesecake. YUM!