Week Twenty-Four

Zeeke has become highly fascinated with watching us eat.  He'll drop whatever he's doing, stare intently at our mouths, and even practice chewing.  So, even though he's thriving on a diet of pure breast milk, we figure we'll start feeding him some solid food when he turns six months old.  

It's fun to watch him in his exersaucer and bouncy chair.  He plays so intently with the toys attached to them that it looks like he's at work in some laboratory.  This week we started practicing sitting and crawling on the floor, which is a big change from the bed.  

With the change in season, he's been wearing shoes.  Karen took Zeeke to the park and pushed him in the swing for the first time and they've started on a new chapter in the yoga book (yoga for the almost standing).  

He's added grunting to his assortment of noises (gooing, cooing, crying, sighing, laughing, and primal screaming).  His grunts are very bossy and do not please his mommy one bit.  She's not so hot on his full hand pinching either.  

Monday, Zeeke & Karen went to Jenny's baby shower at Central.  They saw lots of librarian friends and the twins.

Tuesday, they went to storytime at Rittenhouse Square.and visited with Miss Karen.

Wednesday, after storytime at Fumo, they went to the park, where there were lots of people playing for Zeeke to watch.  Karen saw another baby swinging fearlessly, so, with much trepidation, Karen actually pushed Zeeke on the swing for the first time.  Zeeke enjoyed the new view of the world it gave him.

Thursday, Karen & Zeeke had a great time catching up with her boss David over pancakes at Black & Brew.  While they were there, Karen noticed a group of moms with younger babies and wrangled herself an invite to their future get-togethers.  That evening, Karen & Zeeke picked Steve up at work and took him out for Vietnamese food.

Saturday, we took advantage of the beautiful autumn weather to take a hike through the Wissahickon and enjoy the fall foilage.  Afterwards, we hopped over to Chestnut Hill to have lunch with Jen & Kim & the twins at our usual spot The Chestnut Grill.

Sunday, we went to Olde City for lunch at PBR and then met up with Karen's friend Lorissa.  While Karen and Lorissa went to the Clay Studio and some art galleries, Steve and Zeeke walked around Penn's Landing, went to the comic book shop, and got some ice cream.