Week Twenty-Eight

Zeeke's been clutching at his left ear this week.  At first we were worried he was sick, but he's been very happy and sweet every day, so we think it's probably just a teething thing.  Zeeke has definitely been getting better and better at just hanging out and entertaining himself.   We also got him a light-up, musical mirror that hypnotizes him a little while he's in the car.

Eating solid foods has been going so well (except for peas), that we graduated to two solid meals a day.  We introduced him to apple on Tuesday and acorn squash on Friday, both of which were hits.    

His dedication to blowing raspberries knows no bounds.  He's even branched out into fart and motorboat sounds.  But at least he's quit with the grunting for the time being.

Zeeke's book of the week: Baby Says "Moo!"  by JoAnn Early Macken & David Walker

Monday, Karen took Zeeke with her to her doctor's appointment and unoffically weighed Zeeke in at nineteen pounds.

Tuesday night, Steve's niece Becca and her boyfriend came by for a visit with the little guy.

Wednesday, Karen's mom came up from Maryland.  They took Zeeke to Miss Liz's last storytime at Fumo.  Then she babysat Zeeke while Steve & Karen went to lunch at Morimoto to celebrate their anniversary.  It was the first time we left him with anyone for several hours and he did great.

Thursday, Karen & Zeeke met up with David for breakfast at Black & Brew and then a walk around the park.  Then they met up with Leah & Zack for another walk.  That afternoon, Karen went to Little Beth Boutique to find a cute outfit for Zeeke to wear at his three Thanksgivings.

On Friday, Karen & Zeeke joined Sharri & Nate for a trip to the park and a playgroup at Circle of Hope.  Zeeke happily put with the stroller for the entire trip, which was pretty amazing.  That afternoon they went to Martha's retirement party at Central.  They saw lots of people and Zeeke was very well behaved, even on the car ride home.  

Saturday, we drove all the way down to Maryland for Thanksgiving with Karen's dad's house.  Zeeke slept almost the whole way down and was fairly good for the drive home too.  It was a great time and his cousins wore him out so much that he slept through dinner.

On Sunday, Steve was sick, so Karen & Zeeke went to brunch at Kendra & Don's without him.  Zeeke was very interested in their dog Jalapeno.  They gave Dena, Liz & Kate a ride back to South Philly and Zeeke was very happy with all the attention they provided on the way home.