Week Three

We've started taking turns, one of us sleeping downstairs with Zeeke, the other upstairs in bed.  It's only a little extra sleep each night, but it makes a big difference.

On Monday, Sarah brough the girls by.  Riley looked around the nursery and declared, "Zeeke had weird toys."  We didnt' think they were all that impressed with him at first, but they apparently talked about him all the way home.

On Tuesday, we brought Zeeke to the pediatrician for a weigh-in.  We weren't scheduled to see the pediatrician, but since we had come armed with the questions we forgot last week, she saw us and convinced us we had nothing to worry about with out little guy.  That night, Tara brought us a lovely cheesey chicken casserole.  Dena & Joanne came by too.

On Thursday, Joanne came back with Ren and a pizza.

On Friday, Micaela, Carl & Harper brought us a delicious lunch of grilled lamb and brussel sprouts.  When Steve lamented that the Ergo carrier was small for him, they insisted that we break out the Bjorn baby carrier and showed us how to use it.  From the first try, it was like magic.  Zeeke loved bouncing against Daddy's belly and he walked and danced around the room.  Later in the day, Sally came by for a visit, bearing diapers and an amazing chicken pot pie.

On Saturday, we headed back to Chestnut Hill for more of the same (Trolley Car, sleeping babies, relaxing on the patio).  In the evening, Tara & Rachel came by with a food delivery for Jen & Kim and we all hung out for a good long time.  Unfortunately, Zeeke got upset on the ride home.