Week Thirty-One

Zeeke officially has his first tooth!

That suspected molar that we got all excited about months ago never really poked through and may have just been an abscess.  But this time it's for real.  After giving us a week of amazing sleep, waking up briefly just once a night, he suddenly had two lousy, fitful nights.  And then on Sunday morning, Karen was rubbing his sore gum and there it was, a lower central incisor. 

Zeeke's still not doing anything we'd confidently call crawling, but he's starting to get the hang of getting his belly off the ground when he gets on all fours.  And he's able to sit without any support now for a couple minutes before tumbling over.

We started Zeeke on oatmeal, his first cereal.

On Monday, Karen & Zeeke visited Aunt Dena for an exchange of baked goods, went to Miss Joanne's storytime at the South Philly branch with Leah & Zack, and then met up with Jen & the twins for a picnic at Whole Foods and a stroll along Boathouse Row.

Tuesday, Karen & Zeeke went to storytime with Miss Karen at the Rittehouse Square branch.  That evening, Steve joined them for a doctors appointment with the pediatrician.  She gave Zeeke a clean bill of health and called him "Lover Pants," a nickname which has caught on around the house.  Zeeke got three shots and did very well for them, not getting upset until the last one, and calming down pretty quick once the needles stopped.

Wednesday, Zeeke was having such a nice morning nap that they skipped storytime.

Thursday, Karen convinced Jen that they should take the boys to storytime at the Chestnut Hill branch, but when they got there, there was no children's librarian, so Jen did the storytime (with backup from Karen).  Then they had a lovely lunch and the boys spent some quality time together at Jen's house.

Friday, Zeeke was grouchy from teething, but he and Karen managed to get some errands done and then took Steve out for lunch.  Later they went to the library to return some books and Miss Joanne took him to the reference desk and put him to work checking out books for patrons.

Saturday was Zeeke's seven month birthday.  The three of us joined Tara, Matt & Moira for a spicy, delicious lunch at Han Dynasty.  At the restaurant, Zeeke sat in a restaraunt high chair for the first time and was very proud of himself.  He also ate his first solid food that hadn't been cooked by Steve, a pouch of organic apple & carrot, which he loved so much he was kicking his legs.  As we were leaving, we got a call from Jen & Kim who were in the city, so we met up with them & the twins at the Donnatucci branch for pictures with Santa and then brought them back to our house for beer, bourbon, and cheesecake.

Sunday, after finding the tooth, we went to David and Steve's Christmas party and caught up with lots of people who haven't really seen us since Zeeke was born.  We had a great time and Zeeke even took a nap there so that we could really get into the swing of things.