Week Thirty-Five


It was a very hard week in our house.  Zeeke's fever got pretty bad at times, even getting up to 104.2.  It became extremely difficult to get him to eat anything or to get him to sleep.   There was a lot of crying and screaming and he needed to be held almost constantly.  In many ways, it was like when he was a newborn, except with the added dimension of his scary fever.  Thanks to advice from Karen's sister Sarah, we managed the fever as best we could with ice pops, cool sponge baths, and alternating doses of Tylenol and Motrin.  Thanks to the holiday, we couldn't take him to th doctor, but our pediatrician called us back on New Year's Eve to let us know we were on the right track.  Miraculously Zeeke's exhaustion put him soundly to sleep for the worst part of the neverending explosions and very loud public drunkeness that is New Year's Eve in South Philly.

The fever was gone by the end Wednesday afternoon and he showed a lot of signs of feeling better, but he hasn't yet shaken the bad sleeping he picked up during his sickness.  We've had some miserable nights this week and are probably as exhausted as we've ever been with him.  But at least he's back to eating and breastfeeding like his old self.

Thursday, Karen and Zeeke went to visit Miss Joanne at the South Philly branch.  It was Zeeke's first outing since last week.

Friday, Karen & Zeeke went the Fumo branch to pick up a book.  Later, Steve and Zeeke took a trip to the grocery store.  That night our friends Jenifer and Eric came over to babysit so that we could go out to holiday dinner at Butcher & Singer with the people Steve works with.

No longer sick, Zeeke has devoted his recovered energy to rolling.  Very early Saturday morning, when Zeeke was unable to sleep, Steve and Zeeke were hanging out on the sofa.  When exhausted Steve passed out, Zeeke managed to roll off the couch.  Fortunately he was all right once we calmed him down, but we're no longer taking any chances leaving him places that he can roll off of.  

Later, when we took him to the park, but we could tell that he still wasn't feeling 100% because he was bored on the swings.

The weather was beautiful on Sunday, so we went up to Chestnut Hill for lunch at Iron Hill Brewery and a little shopping with Jen, Kim & the twins, then the boys played together back at the house while we chatted.