Week Thirty-Eight

Zeeke is officially eating more solid food than breastmilk.  He's eating three solid meals a day, plus at least one snack.  When he becomes upset, it's often because he either wants more solid food or he wants us to feed it to him faster.  And, as a result, he's been producing his own weight in poop some days.  He had his first meat this week, a little pouch of organic veggies and turkey.

Thankfully, this has been a good week for sleep. Zeeke has been sleeping through the night on some nights and having only one wakeup on the others.  He's been napping pretty consistently too. 

Zeeke's been extra chatty this week.  Lots of "Yah, yah, yah" and "A-guy-guy-guy,"   And he he seems to be deliberately waving at people now when he sees them again after they've been gone.

He's enjoyed playing peekaboo for a while, but on Saturday he actually started initating the game himself, pulling a blanket over himself and then pulling it down to reveal his smiling face.

Monday, Karen & Zeeke went over to Jersey for a potluck mommy brunch at Elspeth's.  They had a great time and our friend Katie came with a great bag of hand-me-down shoes and toys for Zeeke.  When they got home, they watched the Inauguration.  

Tuesday, they went to Miss Liz's storytime at Santore.  After Steve was done work, we made a Target run and bought Zeeke this cool, hollow ball that he loves.

Wednesday it was so cold Karen & Zeeke drove to Fumo library and he fell asleep on the way.  Fortunately he was quite happy to wake up at storytime.  Later on, being trapped inside the house led to a new game where Karen drags Zeeke along the hardwood floors on a blanket.

Thursday, Karen's mom came and babysat Zeeke.  They had a great time while Karen took some much needed personal time.  Karen came home to find the two of them well fed and passed out on the couch together. He was also covered in lipstick kisses! Later in the day, Karen was able to catch him chatting and playing on video and send it to Steve at work.

Friday, Zeeke & Karen braved the cold to visit Dena for lunch.  Dena and Zeeke were having such a good old time that he didn't even notice when Karen snuck off to pick up lunch and run some errands.  That night, Steve & Zeeke went out to shovel snow, which Zeeke did not like at all, crying and screaming everytime it hit his face.  Then they spent the evening on their own while Karen met some friends for dinner.  Steve was able to get Zeeke to bed all by himself, which was mostly great, except Karen missed getting to see him when she got home.

After a good night's sleep, Saturday morning started with Zeeke grabbing Karen's iced coffee and sending it splashing all over the floor.  After he took a nap, we all suited up and headed to the Italian Market to pick up a pork butt (for lots of yummy pulled pork sandwiches and tacos al pastor), had lunch at Underdogs, and hit the Acme for a few other ingredients.  Later when we were winterizing the house, Zeeke yelled at us for not paying enough attention to him.

Sunday, Steve made sticky buns and then we ran out to Target and Ikea, where Zeeke loved the huge overhead fans.  After his nap, we took a walk.  In the evening, Tara came by and gave us a baby gate Dena had originally bought to keep her roommate's cat out of her room.