Week Thirty

Karen's been getting extremely nostalgic for the tiny baby we had a few months ago, getting teary looking at old photos and videos.  We made Zeeke's Christmas list and used some of our favorite photos of him to create a holday card.  Zeeke's been getting a lot of practice using his fine motor skill and speaking this week.  One day, everytime he came into a room and saw Steve he said something that sounded suspiciously like, "Hi, Dada."

We introduced banana to Zeeke this week.  He had a tendency to squish it out of his mouth more than with other foods, but he seemed to like the sweetness.

Zeeke's book of the week: Hello, Bugs by Smriti Prasadam & Emily Bolam

On Monday, after a good long morning nap, Karen & Zeeke took advantage of the beautiful day to go visit Jen & the twins.  Once again Zeeke slept both to and from Chestnut Hill.

Tuesday, Karen & Zeeke braved the rain to go to Miss Liz's storytime at Santore.  Zeeke enjoyed being used as Miss Liz's prop during stories and songs.

Wednesday, inbetween a bunch of errands, Karen & Zeeke visited Miss Joanne at South Philadelphia Library.  There, they chatted with another mom about using sign language with babies. Zeeke had been so grumpy that morning, but after a good walk and visiting friends, he was in a much better mood for the rest of the day.

Friday, Steve joined Karen & Zeeke for fish sandwiches at Ippolito's.  After that, Zeeke met Michael, one of Karen's fans and the son of Steve's friend John.  Michael was very excited to meet him and was already planning how he wanted to entertain Zeeke the next time he sees him.

Saturday, Steve finished up the bookcase project.  Karen & Zeeke went for a nice walk and ran into one of her library patrons and later, Dena came by for a visit and to drop off a parenting book Karen had requested.  That night, Zeeke ate twice his normal amount of solid food!

Sunday, Steve took Zeeke for a walk in his snuggly, winter-weather bearsuit.  The three of us went to the South Philly Taproom for lunch and then visited Jen & Eric and new Kitty, Marcel.