Week Thirteen

Zeeke's been really been making some noise this week.  We can't be sure what he's saying, but he's definitely trying to use his sounds to communicate with us.  When we sing to him, he sometimes tries to sing along.  It's pretty much the cutest sound ever.

We put together his big boy stroller this week and so far it's been a hit.  He still gets a little antsy in it after a while, but he definitely prefers sitting upright and being able to see everything, instead of being on his back.  This mobility development came just in time for Karen since Steve returned to working full time this week. 

We also introduced him to the talking monkey Rachel gave us and he's been loving it.  In addition to making monkey sounds (and other background noises), it can record brief messages, so Steve was able to leave his voice on it in case Zeeke missed him.

Monday, we celebrated Steve's last two days off with lunch at Green Eggs.  After that, Steve's parents and nephew Connor came by for a visit.  Steve's dad brought his power drill and we put him to work in Zeeke's room, hanging curtains and the adorable coat rack they made for him.

Wednesday was the end of Steve's paternity leave and a very rough day all around.  Karen took Zeeke to the farmer's market, but the crowd and the singing fountain made him meltdown a little. 

On Sunday, we went to Dena's housewarming party, but it was way too crowded for Zeeke's liking  To keep him calm, we had to sequester ourselves in Dena's study for most of the party.