Week One Hundred and Ninety-Three

Zeeke's adjustment to the big boy bed continues.  Monday, after we put him to bed, he decided to try and stay up all night.  First he read every single book in his room, then he sat down in front of his clock waiting for it to tell him that night was over.  All this while yelling down a running commentary of what he was doing.  He finally fell asleep around 10:15, only after Karen agreed to lie down next to him. Of course, on Tuesday he demanded that she do it again.  They compromised that she would sleep in the chair next to him.  It's been like that ever since.  

Saturday, Steve & Zeeke made some art and played some cards.  Zeeke was a big fan of the game War.  A game of pick-up sticks revealed the depths to which Zeeke would sink in order to win.  

Sunday, it snowed a little.  Zeeke had a good time catching snowflakes.  We tried sledding at the meager hill we call Purple Flower Mountain, but Zeeke wasn't a fan of his clothes getting wet.

Conversations with Zeeke:

On the day David Bowie died:
"Daddy, that guy singing said he's an alligator. That's so funny."
"Yeah, and now he's a space invader. He was really good at becoming different things."
"I'm going to draw that alligator."

"Daddy, if you don't turn on the TV, I'm going to get angry.
"Not going to happen, pal."
"Daddy, if you don't turn in the TV, I'm going to fire you!"

"Look how many snowflakes I can catch! Everything is cold in my cold collection!"