Week One Hundred and Ninety-Eight

Zeeke has been talking a lot about death ever since David Bowie died, so many questions and concerns.  

We're still acting out sleeping through the night with The Kid.  Zeeke's obsessed with it.  He now believes he's the kid's big brother.  He reads books to the kid, rubs his back to help him sleep.  He really loves being a big brother in a way that goes beyond make believe.

Monday, Zeeke's school was closed for President's Day.  Karen & Zeeke had a great trip to the art museum.  Zeeke brought his sketchpad and drew his own versions of a few of the paintings, then they played in the snow that had fallen while they were inside.

Friday, we got a call from school that Zeeke had a fever.  The poor little guy was so limp and weak.  He camped out in the living room, under some blankets, for napping and tv watching.  He threw up (on Steve), but was already feeling better by the end of the day. 

Saturday, the sickness was all gone and he was full of energy.  Steve & Zeeke went to the playground with Jen & Amelie.  Back at home, he fought taking a nap with all his might and even tried to push Steve down the stairs to make his point.  

Sunday was quite warm so Steve & Zeeke headed out to the zoo in the morning.  They had a great time and Zeeke didn't want to leave.

Conversations with Zeeke:

"Mommy and I found a fountain at the art museum and made wishes. I wished that I will be alive forever."

Upon learning the show he wanted wasn't available:
"Noooooo! Dinosaur Train was my last idea! Now I am all out of ideas!!!!"