Week One Hundred and Eighty-Seven

Zeeke is officially obsessed with Christmas.  It's the subject of every song he sings and every picture he draws.  He has lots of questions about everything he learns on the subject.  And he's very excited about attending to the advent calendar Grandma Joy gave him.

While decorating the tree, we watched Christmas specials and Zeeke loved them all, especially How The Grinch Stole Christmas and Frosty the Snowman.  Zeeke insists that the Grinch disguises himself as Mrs. Claus, rather than as Santa (probably because he has no beard).  Whenever Frosty the Snowman "dies" (loses the hat or melts), Zeeke takes it so to heart and sadly asks if the show is over.

Wednesday, after school, Steve & Zeeke went to the tree lighting at the fountain.  A lot of his friends from school were there to dance with and when he found out Santa was giving out lollypops he even got his picture taken with him.

Saturday, we we had music class in the morning and decorated the tree in the afternoon.  Zeeke did a pretty good job decorating and only broke one ornament (so far).

Sunday morning, we went to visit Jen, Kim & the twins.  Zeeke had fun bouncing, running, and dancing with William & Jack.  The boys made Steve take them exploring in the little patch of woods behind their house.  Unfortunately, at one point Zeeke got jealous that Steve was pushing William in the swing so he stuck his head in the way and got clobbered.  He was fine, but had some nice bruises for the next week.

Conversations with Zeeke:
"Ho ho ho!"
"Daddy, are you Santa Claus?"
"Yes, I am. Have you been a good boy this year?"
"Daddy, are you joking?"
"No, I'm Santa!"
"Ok, then I'm a snowman."
"And have you been a good snowman this year?"
"Oh, Daddy, snowmen don't talk..."