Week Nineteen

This week was Zeeke's first vacation and we discovered that a week at the beach with a teething baby is first and foremost a week with a teething baby. The poor little guy had some tough pain at times and there were some fairly sleepless nights, but he was a trooper. Mommy didn't get her usual beach time and Daddy didn't get his usual writing at the tiki bar time, but the weather was lovely and there were still a lot of great moments, including Zeeke's first trickles of unrestrained laughter.

On Wednesday, Elspeth and her son Augie came down to visit so Jen & Eric invited everyone to hang out at their place. While Elspeth was holding Zeeke out on the deck, Augie ran towards him, grinning, and Zeeke cracked up laughing. It was so great that we made him do it again and again. It was marvelous seeing our often stoic baby so gloriously giddy.

Zeeke's been getting more and more fascinated with our mouths and watching us eat, sometimes even trying to grab a piece of our food. We'll likely introduce solids foods next week after our four month pediatrician visit. He's showing better form at crawling this week, holding up his head and using his arms instead of pushing his face into the ground. He's still having trouble getting the necessary propulsion out of his legs though. He's also gets easily distracted by anything that looks like it might fit into his mouth (including his hands which always tend to be present).

We took a lot of walks this week with Zeeke facing forward in the Baby Bjorn (instead of towards Steve's chest). He really enjoys having a full view of the world around him, but he still likes it both ways. Oh, and Zeeke graduated to size three diapers this week.

On Saturday, we packed up early and headed home after Zeeke had breakfast. He was not digging the car ride at first and we worried it was going to a very painful trip for everybody, but fortunately he fell asleep by the time we hit the A. C. Expressway. All three of us were relieved to be home.