Week Forty-Two


Zeeke has been wanting to climb non-stop. If he's playing with Steve & Karen he climbs on them. If he's out for a crawl, he heads straight for the coffee table and climbs that. Anything that's bigger than he is now presents itself as a challenge to his climbing. Of course he hasn't mastered falling yet, so the new activity is really wearing Karen out.

Spending time last weekend with the twins prompted Karen & Steve to try new foods. This week we introduced Zeeke to Peanut Butter & crackers, baba ghanoush, hummus, french fries and applesauce. He loved it all!

This week we started trying to sleep train Zeeke. Emphasis on try. He is getting better at self soothing and putting himself back to sleep when he wakes up at night, but being put down in the crib without a feed is usually a challenge. Shorter feeds and putting him to bed drowsy are the goals for now. The good news is that he has stopped biting Karen!

Monday morning, Zeeke woke up early and refused to go back to sleep. It made for a groggy last day at the twins' house for our Baby Buddies weekend. Luckily, Zeeke and the twins took their morning nap around the same time so the grownups could relax a little and watch part of a movie. We went home after lunch (which involved more cut strawberries) and caught up with household chores until Dena came by to visit and deliver yummy popcorn cookies.

Tuesday, morning Karen & Zeeke met up with Leah & Zack and we all walked over to Santore Library for a totally packed storytime with Miss Lindsay. Zeeke rode the whole way in the stroller with no complaints and it was super fun for Karen to chat with Leah during the walk.

Wednesday, Zeeke took a long morning nap. Then Mama Jen & the twins came over for a few hours for lunch and a play date. It was so great to have our friends visit and play with all the great toys we got from Aunt Sarah last month. In the evening, Sharri & Nate stopped by and we all played some more!

Thursday, after Zeeke woke us all up around 4:30am, he slept in till 7:40am. Since he skipped his morning nap, Karen & Zeeke decided to visit Whitman Library for the first time. Miss Ruth gave an awesome Story Time and Zeeke had a fun time exploring the shelves after the stories. Thankfully, Zeeke fell asleep on the drive home and Karen was able to successfully transfer him to his crib.

Saturday, we took Zeeke for a walk in the mist. We got lunch at the Broad Street Diner where Zeeke cheerfully sat in a high chair the entire meal. He really enjoys the people watching at restaurants. After picking up some squid and french bread, Zeeke let it be known that he was done running errands, so Karen took him home to get him napping, while Steve finished the shopping.

Sunday, we took Zeeke out to New Jersey for a great lunch with his grandparents, Uncle Chris, and cousins Connor and Rebecca. Zeeke was grumpy at first, but loosened up considerably after a good poop. He especially enjoyed Chris chatting with him in space alien baby talk.