Week Forty-Three

Zeeke likes kneeling while playing, often in front of one of his toy boxes, leaning in close to sort through the toys for the one he wants. With great determination, we set about sleep training Zeeke. We started putting him to bed drowsy, instead of asleep, and letting him fall asleep on his own. The first night he cried for about twelve minutes before passing out. By Wednesday, he had it down to two minutes. When he woke up during the night, he was able to comfort himself and get back to dreaming without any intervention. Unfortunately, this glimpse of the promised land would end all too soon.

Thursday, Zeeke got sick, not much of a fever, but he had a bad cough and a runny nose. On top of that, he started teething again. The combination caused him to regress, sleepwise, completely back to newborn status. Naps went out the window and he began waking up every couple hours at night.