Week Forty-Four

Zeeke is still sick, still sleeping poorly. We've realized that it's not just one tooth coming in, but both of his upper incisors at once. The one up side to his discomfort is that, after months of pushing himself out of our arms, he now likes to be hugged. We're all so sleep-deprived that we're like a house of zombies. There are moments of happiness for Zeeke though. His new favorite thing to do is to shove his entire hand into our our mouths and then wiggle his fingers. It's not super hygenic, but it cracks him up. We've been working on walking practice. He can make his way across the room, holding our hands for balance.  He turned ten months old this week.

Zeeke's favorite book of the week:  Baby Danced the Polka by Karen Beaumont & Jennifer Plecas.  Zeeke loves this book like crazy, especially lifting the flaps.