Week Five

We've been getting pretty serious with tummy time this week.  Zeeke is starting to lift his head while on his belly.   He'll also bat at the spinny toys that hang from his gym. 

Monday was Steve's second day back at work.   Laura and Karen started trying to teach Zeeke night from day and get him on a schedule, as opposed to just letting him eat and sleep whenever he feels like it.  It was a tough enough job alone, but Karen also had to hire a plumber when one of our toilets broke.  

On Wednesday, the five of us went to Franklin Square for miniature golf and Square Burger.  When we got home, Steve and Emma made oatmeal cookies.

On Thursday, we went to the Art Museum and Laura treated us to a lovely lunch at the Water Works.

Friday was our last day with Laura and Emma.  Before the visit, we'd been a little worried about having houseguests while managing a new baby, but they were a fantastic help, great fun and we didn't want them to leave.  We got cheesesteaks, then drove them to the airport. 

On Saturday, Steve's Aunt June came up from Wilmington for a visit, which was really nice.