Week Eleven


Zeeke, aka Bud-Bud, is cooing and smiling more and more.   He's getting better about taking afternoon naps, although some days he refuses, especially when we try to put him down drowsy instead of milk drunk.  We're trying to instrument a more orderly bedtime routine, which so far seems to be working.  He's been sleeping pretty well, usually giving us either an eight hour span or a five-and-four combo.  It also helps that we're getting better at not running in every time he makes his grunts and growls.

He's become quite smitten with the mobile above his crib and can happily chill out under it while his parents get some work done nearby.  We picked up some CDs from the library that he's really been enjoying.  One is "Sing Me to Sleep," a collection of lullaby-style covers done by Indie bands.  Another is "Lullabies With the Beatles."  

He's getting pretty skilled with his hands.  One morning, during a diaper change, Zeeke grabbed the fresh diaper that was lying by his head and and handed it to Steve.  And then during tummy time one day, when Zeeke's stuffed monkey stopped giving him kisses, he reached out, grabbed it and brought it to his mouth, then held it tight, which was a  first.

Monday, Karen managed to capture Zeeke expertly rolling over on video.  

Then Liz delivered some squeezable blocks and a board book from Karen's patrons Denise, Penny, and Salvatore.  The book, "Goodnight, Gorilla," has become one of Steve's favorites during story times.  Afterwards, she joined Karen and Zeeke for a nice walk.

Tuesday, Zeeke had his two month check up at the pediatrician's.  Somehow (although Karen wasn't surprised) our little guy managed to gain almost a whole pound in a week, weighing in at thirteen pounds, four ounces.  Karen cried a little when Zeeke got his vaccinations, but Zeeke handled them pretty bravely, just a few minutes of red-faced tears.

Wednesday, we went out to Chestnut Hill to have lunch at the Trolley Car with Jen and the twins.  It was so nice to see them again after several weeks.  All three boys had grown so much since their last get-together.

Thursday, we met up with our neighbors Sharri & Paul, whom we met at a birthing class at the hospital.    We had a lovely walk to and brunch at Green Eggs.  We managed to get Zeeke and their son Nathan to make brief eye contact with each other, which was a fairly new thing.

Friday, Steve's parents swung by for a quick visit.  Steve's dad was impressed by Zeeke's grip.  While we were having a photo session out on the sidewalk, Karen brought Zeeke over to meet our 94-year-old neighbor Mary.

Saturday, Jen and Kim brought the twins to South Philly and we all had dinner with Dena at Birra.  With plenty of extra hands around, both Karen and Jen got to eat without babies on their laps, which was a treat.  Instead of Karen breastfeeding there, Steve fed Zeeke from a bottle, so a very happy Karen got to enjoy a nice meal including a blood orange margarita.  With a little prodding, Zeeke and William spent some serious time staring at each other, possibly conspiring telepathically to build tree-houses or start rock bands together.