Week Eight

Zeeke has started smiling, little elusive smirks that are impossible to get on film, but fill us with delight.  He tries to talk too, making noises that sound a little like words from the repetetive sing-songs we do to teach him his body parts and left from right.  But it's not all joy out of his mouth; he's also started spitting up and drooling this week.

During tummy time, Zeeke can now keep his head up for nearly a minute.  Even more impressive, he can now roll over from his tummy to his back.  It takes a bit of work for him to do it and he sometimes his efforts get him a bit frustrated, but he's done it several times and seems quite pleased with himself once he's done.

On Monday evening, Karen and Zeeke sat out on the stoop waiting for Steve to get home from work and meeting some of the neighbors who hadn't seen him yet.

On Wednesday, Jen brought the twins into the city and the six of us went out for a fun dinner at Birra.

The Night Market came to the Italian Market Thursday night.  We walked up and enjoyed the frenzy of people and music, ate delicious snacks from cool food trucks, and generally overwhelmed all of our sense.  It was funny and strange to see babies smaller than Zeeke in the crowd.

On Friday, Karen joined her friend Lorissa for a free noon concert by Jukebox the Ghost.  Zeeke handled her brief absence like a champ.

On Saturday morning, Katie came by to meet the baby, bring us sandwiches & salads from Chhaya, and give Karen a lesson in using the big fancy electric breast pump our friend Laura sent us.

Sunday was cousin Bella's 2nd birthday party.  Zeeke had a great time being adored by all the ladies and amazingly stayed happy for most of the long car ride.  The formula for success seems to be Mommy in the backseat, lots of air conditioning, and clasical music.